Alpine Flower a Day: New Zealand Everlastingflower
Alpine Flower a Day: Day. 10, New Zealand Everlastingflower (Anaphalioides bellidioides) – same size as a garden daisy but dry and...
Alpine Flower a Day: Southern Rata
Alpine Flower a Day: Day 9, Southern Rata (Metrosideros umbellata) – the South Island Christmas tree, and the name of my daughter! And my...
Alpine Flower a Day: Mount Cook Buttercup
Alpine Flower a Day: Day 8, Mount Cook Buttercup (Ranunculus lyallii) – world's largest buttercup, the size of a rose - spectacular...
Alpine Flower a Day: Pale White Fingers Orchid
Alpine Flower a Day: Day 7: Pale White Fingers (Caladenia Nothofageti) (note I may not have the identification of this orchid right!) –...
Alpine Flower a Day: Mountain Astelia
Alpine Flower a Day: Day 6, Mountain Astelia (Astelia nervosa) – flowerhead are about the size of a bunch of grapes, though the seed...
Alpine Flower a Day: Spoon-leaved Sundew
Alpine Flower a Day: Day Five, Spoon-leaved Sundew (Drosera spathulata) – each tiny flower about 5mm across – Jan 2021, near tarns, on...
An Alpine Flower a Day: Māori onion
Flower a Day: Day 4, Māori onion (Bulbinella hookeri) – about a metre high – taken near Granity Pass Hut, Mt Owen, Kahurangi National...
An Alpine Flower A Day: New Zealand Cushion
Flower A Day: Day 3, New Zealand Cushion (Donatia novae zelandiae) – The flowers are about 8mm wide on a cushion size plant – photo taken...
An Alpine Flower A Day: Woollyhead
Flower A Day: Day 2, Woollyhead (Craspedia uniflora) – The flowerhead is smaller then a pea – photo taken Janurary 2021, 1000 Acre...
A book launch to remember
Rata was literally struck down by an ear infection as we set up for the launch. How would it go? Would the book stand up to scrutiny?