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Alpine Flower a Day: – Buchanan's Sedge – A month complete!

Alpine Flower a Day, Day 30, Buchanan's Sedge (Carex buchananii)

– a brown sedge grass with tan seed-head flowers

– included in our plantings down by the Heathcote river

You did this

dedicated to Mick, who creates sanctuaries

you saved a hundred lives today

in less than an hour. In a city sanctuary,

you took a hose

down the road to a river bank

and watered the ones who were

crying out. You hold their names

inside your cupped hands:

Carex, Buchananii, Korokia,

Melicytus, Mikimiki, Pohuehue ...

If they grew up naturally

a hundred miles away, high in a place

where your kind, Homo sapiens,

rarely passed, they would not be

frazzled, nor threatened.

Yet your kind, Homo sapiens, needs

Kirk, Ti Köuka,Tauhinu, Wī,

Sophora, Harakeke, all,

and all these refugees

for your own backyard,

to avoid the genocides of an

Homogeneous ecology,

to take back your own

Sapience, to breath, you

saved a hundred lives today.

Thank you, everyone for following my Alpine Flower a Day for 30 days. I posted some of the joys of my ramblings and I hope it's helped you open your eyes to the variety and beauty of our native flowers because it sure has increased my love and knowledge of them – I have learned about anthers and columns and serrated leaves and totally new species! Kā mihi – Gail 🌿

Fire on the Woolston loop, Christchurch, burning community plantings


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