Alpine Flower a Day: Husbands load*
Alpine Flower a Day: Day 18, Husbands load, hari (likehimalotus mihusband)
– very large blue flower, four white stems, leaves footprints, produces dew when warm
– found on the side of tramping tracks, most recently in Kahurangi National Park

Husband's load
he carries the tent the poles the pegs the cooker the gas the couscous the tins of peaches
he carries responsibility a moral compass a sense of who he is
he carries ideas like there should be an environmental high court
he carries ideas like we should plant Muehlenbeckia axillaris along the retaining wall
he carries ideas like we'll just stop up here which means we'll keep going
up an
impossibly steep slope for
minutes through
the beech trees smelling of honey and
buzz when your shirt's already stuck to your back with sweat and your legs are wobbly from fatigue
and you make it
to a clearing
with him in it
and the relief is sweet.
*Husbands load, hari (likehimalotus mihusband) was discovered by the author, first in a London flat on July 16, 1988. However, it is endemic to Aotearoa alpine environments.

If you're interested in the inspiration behind this month-long series of 'An Alpine Flower A Day' about NZ alpine flowers and poems, you can find more in my first post: An Alpine Flower A Day Enjoy!